Remove yourself from an Azure AD

Sahil Malik
Published in
2 min readDec 27, 2018


I’ve spent the last 15ish years consulting for numerous organizations around the world. One upshot you get out of that is that customers add you as an Azure Admin, which then adds you to their AAD, and .. well .. forget to remove you.

I’m not kidding, it’s been 6 years+ that I’ve billed them a dime, but I can still see their whole infrastructure from my phone. Scary huh? I’ve asked some of them to remove me, but got tired of following up with their outsourced IT departments that couldn’t give a damn ….. whatever!

I don’t want that kind of “liability” :-) .. so .. here is how you can remove yourself from a directory, which the subscription is tied to. There may be other ways, but this is the easiest!

Visit,, and click on your name on the right hand top,

Switch to the directory you want to exit from, and choose “leave organization” .. mind you, be careful, once you remove yourself, you can’t add yourself again .. so double check which ones you are removing yourself rom.

.. this takes a few minutes (10ish) to take effect, but once you leave the organizations, you will no longer have access to any of their resources!

