I find myself preferring node over .NET

Sahil Malik
Published in
2 min readDec 29, 2017


Am I the only one?

Frequently I start a project in C#, only to get frustrated and switch to Typescript and Node. This is an easy decision if the underlying problem I am trying to solve has an equivalent API in both .NET and NodeJS. (I am working with the bot framework as an example).

I have some very good reasons for preferring node over .NET

  1. I find npm far better than nuget, although neither are perfect. But npm feels more stable, and less black boxy. Sure I realize this may be level of familiarity etc. But I have been a C#/nuget monkey since pretty much C# and nuget have been around. I’ve spent enough time with both, but I seem to prefer npm’s stability over nuget (I know, npm’s stability .. laugh!)
  2. Node feels faster. I know with .NET core you can outstrip node’s performance. However, I feel once you start adding things to a .NET core app, it tends to get slow also. .NET core is fast because everything is opt-in, once you opt-in .. so lets say, .NET Core .. jury is still out on it. But .NET 4x is sloooooowww compared to Node.
  3. Node is far more mature than .NET core. This means, there is a node module for everything out there, can’t say that about .NET core .. yet!
  4. Typescript — I find it’s dynamic nature better than C#. C# feels monolithic, requires a build/compile, feels 10 years ago. Typescript is all the advantages of JavaScript, with none of the disadvantages of JavaScript.
  5. NodeJS projects are cross platform, while C# requires me to start Visual Studio proper (at least .NET 4x), and that means full blown Visual Studio on Windows — I am locking in my work to requiring a PC. NodeJS, .. means VSCode on Mac with a nice terminal.
  6. And yes, VSCode versus Visual Studio, man the speed and flexibility of VSCode makes me not look forward to Visual Studio.

I know, a great problem to have, when you have to pick between VSCode and VStudio, or Node vs .NET … but if I really really really really had to make this choice between a ferrari and lamborghini, a pizza or hamburger, chocolate or ice cream, … I think I prefer VSCode with NodeJS over VStudio with .NET.

What do you prefer?

